Friday, November 11, 2011

Día de los Muertos

So the Día de los Muertos celebrations was held at East Los Angeles College last Wednesday, November 2nd. And since the Chicano Studies students were creating altars in one of the galleries in the Vincent Price Art Museum (VPAM) for the event, we (a few members of the staff, Daniella, Lidia, Oliver and myself) joined in on the fun and created one to honor Vincent Price and the late Thomas Silliman, who was an art professor and the director of the VPAM. Thanks to these two gentlemen, whose vision was to create an educational facility with the accessibility to art for the students and the community, and we now have an amazing space right in our neighborhood. Also thanks to the staff and the people who continues to support and promoting the VPAM, we, especially as students, greatly appreciate it!

For more information on the VPAM, follow this link for hours and directions. Hope to see you there!

Day of the Dead celebrated at East L.A. College is a little article Lidia found online in the Eastsider L.A. about the event and the altars in the museum. It's great when our own little niche gets recognized for doing fun things like this. The drawing I contributed for the altar is shown in the article. Thanks Lidia for telling me about it!

One more thing, I want to thank all the veterans and those in the military for keeping us safe. And for all the men and women who are still deployed, I hope you stay safe and return home soon. Happy Veterans Day!

Sunday, October 23, 2011


This past week marked another year. It was eight years ago on that Saturday morning when I got a call during class that I need to be home ASAP. I don't like to call it an anniversary because I tend to associate the word "anniversary" with events that are happier and dates that people look forward to remembering or would want to celebrate. B left us that day.

I have always felt that every moment in life is just as important as the next, but there are those few that will change everything and make a person who they will become.

With that moment, big changes began to bombard the lives of those around him and roles were dramatically altered. With that moment, I assumed a position that I was not prepared for. It's been a learning process and I hope that I am getting a better grip on things than before.

Every year, that date creeps up and I feel like more should have been done and I wonder what would have been different if that moment had a different outcome. But wondering doesn't help get things done and I feel like I don't have time to waste. Yet, at times, I do wonder and hope that I'm not wasting too much time...

This morning, I finally made it out to sit out in the vast body of water. A very calm and cold morning. While waiting to catch those few waves, I was reflecting on how small of a role I played in this very big world. It's a role I need to play nonetheless, and I hope I do it justice. Improvements… there is always room for improvements.

Though not much work have been done this Sunday, it's been a pretty good day.

A few sketches from the past week…

Side note:
Please be careful when out in the water. Hope your foot is feeling better Eric.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Just as another night is concluding, another day is slowly creeping up and a new week is about to begin. The next few days will go by fast and I will wish I had more time to work and develop the pieces for my final. But it might be those quick decisions that will make them work. I will be putting in my best and hoping for a decent outcome.

During this semester, especially in the last month, maybe two, I've come to realize how important focus is. Without being bombarded by one of my favorite silent motivator, constantly pushing me to contribute more even though I have maxed out my quota. Being pushed to question my own methods, stepping out of my comfort to improve. It's a great being able to do that, but very scary at the same time. Failure always looming around the corner. These are chances I'm willing to take and learn from the outcome.

Here are some samples of what I've done in the past year:

untitled 2010
untitled 2010
color pencils and ink on paper

untitled 2011
untitled 2011
ink on paper
More to come once I get things scanned or photographed.


On another note, I understand the importance of family, I think more than some people think. I understand how precious time is and people come and go at any moment. I hope they can understand that I am not saying no to something because I don't want to be around them or that they're not a priority, but that I am not able to please everyone and there are times when I have to be selfish and keep my own priorities in check to pursue my own path.

I like to think that we might be cut from the same stone, but we are not the same cut. We are chipped differently. And because of that, we have to find our own ways to fit in the world and be useful in our own ways. Therefore, no two person can follow the same path and succeed the same way.

I've focused, and the result is that I have neglected some duties that I have acquired or otherwise imposed upon me and neglected some relationships, both family and friends, that will always be important to me. I know people will react differently: some will be happy, some won't seem to notice a difference, and others might be angry. If they understood why, they will understand I didn't mean for it to happen, but it just had happen.

I really appreciate all those who have stuck by and continue their constant effort to include me, even though they probably know what my response might be. I wish I can be a better person to you and be there when you really need someone. At the moment, I have stretched myself out as much as I am able to. I hope you understand.

I've become MIA during this time and there might be more to come. I will admit that this focus on the path I want to follow have never been so great.

I'm learning.

It always comes down to choices.
Right now,
I chose to focus.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Everyday Challenge

From the last post, I mentioned a challenge that I pretty much did not attempt even though I was the one who prompt it. Definitely a lack of dedication on my part. So I'm going to try to motivate myself in creating a better environment to post a few things up every once in a while.

In the event of 2010 rolling right by on the timeline and 2011 taking up a few slots in turn, this is as good of a time as any other to put up a new post. Of course being that this blog is mainly for art and photography and not random rants by yours truly, this will be visually stimulating.

While spending the turn of the new year on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, I realized that although it may be nice to have a place to settle down and go home to, I don't really see myself doing that very thing so many people work so hard to achieve. I have been looking and searching for something, as of yet, it is still unclear.

I do feel like one of the luckiest people in the world due to the fact that there are friends who are willing to find me a warm place to sleep wherever I happen to be. Thanks guys.

And finally, the photos I promised.

2010, the year started out kind of cold. Taken on the way to snowboard at Big Bear Mountain. The roads up to the resorts officially closed while we were waiting for an accident to clear up and we had to turn around and go home. The view was breathtaking.

all smiles
bike ride along the beach in March. My little cousin, Patrina, enjoying her day.

good day at the beach
Beach goers. Calm waters.... where are the waves??

first instagram
My introduction to Instagram back in November.

Most of the following photos are taken during my trip to Taipei with my family. It has been a while since we all went back together and since it was a short trip, we did the best we could exploring whatever was available.

The Flora Expo that opened in November was still there, so we made a day exploring the huge displays of, well, everything. haha

Flowers that were in the grounds of the Taipei Flora Expo.

Close-ups of roses from one of the indoor exhibition.

A small exhibition showing the flexibility and strength of bamboo.

Other vegetation and one of the buildings in the Taipei Flora Expo. The building is insulated with recycled bottles and it lights up when the sun goes down!

Chiang Kai-shek Memoiral Hall

Tadpoles swimming in one of the ponds in Yang Ming Shan. Used to play with these during visits to the temple when I was younger.

While taking our break and snacking in the Chi Xing Garden, a few puppies came by hoping to get a bite too. This one sat right in front of us while the other two kept their distance.

up or down?
Hiking our way down of Chi Xing shang

It's like tiny stuffed waffles, so good, and so many flavors. Favorite of the family is the vanilla cream, but I like to try different ones: pumpkin, sesame, and taro. The one pictured on the bottom is shredded turnip, it was a winner in my book.

Didn't get a chance to try these again.... was just too full to even think about it.

He's making intestine stew noodles. Smelled so good. Got some for the Mom as we headed back to the dorms. Walked away for a minute and when I came back, the bowl was empty... haha

Ended my part the trip with some dumplings. Actually, it was steamed breads, or buns (manto in Mandarin) but there were no photos... I will admit, I did not document the foods as well as I wanted to. I guess it's a good reason to go back and visit again soon!

the brodie
This is Brodie. One of the best dogs out there. Best cure to anything and a great cuddle buddy. Knows how to turn frowns upside down.

A preview of what's to come. This is a photo collage taken on the top level of Ankor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

And a big Happy Birthday to the person who I look up to and who is constantly encouraging me to be create more and be a better person. Someone who I think is changing the world. Wish I was there chilling with you enjoying a nice cold beer and watching snowflakes drift. This is for you =)

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Challenge

Prior to Po's return home for a long Thanksgiving visit, I asked her if she was willing to participate in a-blog-a-day challenge. She agreed and has been doing very well at committing to this task for the past three days. And yes, it's been three days and I haven't done a single post. But then again, I haven't posted anything in a very long while... I am very behind...

As we were sitting inside Starbucks this morning, while she worked, a kenken puzzle slipped out one of the notebooks she was shuffling through. I was supposed to be reading up on the 16th and 17th century art in Northern Europe and SpaIn. Instead, I took the puzzle, had her explain the rules, and I worked on that for a good fifteen minutes. I am hooked.

I will definitely try to be more disciplined in the area of blogging and meeting deadlines. A variety of artworks, some from myself and some from other artists that interests or inspires me, will be displayed. I'm challenging myself to either create something new or find something interesting to showcase until at least Sunday of the big turkey weekend.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Ongoing Mission to Learn

Yes, I know... It's been long overdue for a new post. I will definitely try harder about updating the blog.

Every so often I get the "I've been checking your blog and I haven't seen anything new... so... UPDATE!!" from my only follower. I should know that blogging about something that I am passionate about isn't as easy as ranting about random incidents that happens during the day.

In the past few days, I stopped by both the bookstore and the library and realized just how much I love books and most things printed! I love them for the information, photos, images, sometimes random facts, even ads and mainly anything visual that sparks the imagination. I realized that I can be easily consumed by them and forget that I have other places to be.

I've come to love reading since I was able to follow the words in a children's novel with the accompanying audio cassette tape for "Journey to the West" in Chinese. It was one of my favorite stories when I was young. I followed the words as it was read through the cassette player until I was able to recognize the characters and read it on my own. Needless to say, I practically memorized the book by the fifth time around.

I love stories, real or fiction. I love the way a good story is told, whether it is through spoken words, written words, images or through even through music.

I've recently finished reading a short biography on one of my favorite artists, Gustov Klimt. What surprised me was that he isolated himself socially and from the movements around him. I love that despite what the critics say, he stays true to himself and continue to evolve his ideas. But what I love most is looking through books with images of his sketches and paintings. They're always visual stimulating and I'm always looking for more things hiding in those elaborate patterns he paints. Like I said, I am easily consumed by books, especially art books.

So in my ongoing mission to further educate myself and widen my knowledge of all things I am interested in, I will further submerge myself in a world of information and learn. Hopefully some finished artworks will be a product of my ongoing mission.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


After much indecision and many more debates, I finally settled on a name for my blog. And what can be more simple than my own name and the purpose of the blog? Well... nothing really...

Just a few things, I live in the southern part of california where a variety of things are readily available to those who seek it. A part where an abundance of artists who are always seeking for new inspirations and collectors who are looking for the new hype.

A part where everyone and everything is constantly trying to reinvent themselves.

I'm what I would consider struggling and confused artist... but then again, who isn't

On that note.... here's my first post!! Which took me months to write, edit and pick out a photo to accompany this post.

step back 2006
acrylic on canvas
it's leung and the old man