Sunday, October 23, 2011


This past week marked another year. It was eight years ago on that Saturday morning when I got a call during class that I need to be home ASAP. I don't like to call it an anniversary because I tend to associate the word "anniversary" with events that are happier and dates that people look forward to remembering or would want to celebrate. B left us that day.

I have always felt that every moment in life is just as important as the next, but there are those few that will change everything and make a person who they will become.

With that moment, big changes began to bombard the lives of those around him and roles were dramatically altered. With that moment, I assumed a position that I was not prepared for. It's been a learning process and I hope that I am getting a better grip on things than before.

Every year, that date creeps up and I feel like more should have been done and I wonder what would have been different if that moment had a different outcome. But wondering doesn't help get things done and I feel like I don't have time to waste. Yet, at times, I do wonder and hope that I'm not wasting too much time...

This morning, I finally made it out to sit out in the vast body of water. A very calm and cold morning. While waiting to catch those few waves, I was reflecting on how small of a role I played in this very big world. It's a role I need to play nonetheless, and I hope I do it justice. Improvements… there is always room for improvements.

Though not much work have been done this Sunday, it's been a pretty good day.

A few sketches from the past week…

Side note:
Please be careful when out in the water. Hope your foot is feeling better Eric.

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