Friday, November 19, 2010

The Challenge

Prior to Po's return home for a long Thanksgiving visit, I asked her if she was willing to participate in a-blog-a-day challenge. She agreed and has been doing very well at committing to this task for the past three days. And yes, it's been three days and I haven't done a single post. But then again, I haven't posted anything in a very long while... I am very behind...

As we were sitting inside Starbucks this morning, while she worked, a kenken puzzle slipped out one of the notebooks she was shuffling through. I was supposed to be reading up on the 16th and 17th century art in Northern Europe and SpaIn. Instead, I took the puzzle, had her explain the rules, and I worked on that for a good fifteen minutes. I am hooked.

I will definitely try to be more disciplined in the area of blogging and meeting deadlines. A variety of artworks, some from myself and some from other artists that interests or inspires me, will be displayed. I'm challenging myself to either create something new or find something interesting to showcase until at least Sunday of the big turkey weekend.

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