Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Ongoing Mission to Learn

Yes, I know... It's been long overdue for a new post. I will definitely try harder about updating the blog.

Every so often I get the "I've been checking your blog and I haven't seen anything new... so... UPDATE!!" from my only follower. I should know that blogging about something that I am passionate about isn't as easy as ranting about random incidents that happens during the day.

In the past few days, I stopped by both the bookstore and the library and realized just how much I love books and most things printed! I love them for the information, photos, images, sometimes random facts, even ads and mainly anything visual that sparks the imagination. I realized that I can be easily consumed by them and forget that I have other places to be.

I've come to love reading since I was able to follow the words in a children's novel with the accompanying audio cassette tape for "Journey to the West" in Chinese. It was one of my favorite stories when I was young. I followed the words as it was read through the cassette player until I was able to recognize the characters and read it on my own. Needless to say, I practically memorized the book by the fifth time around.

I love stories, real or fiction. I love the way a good story is told, whether it is through spoken words, written words, images or through even through music.

I've recently finished reading a short biography on one of my favorite artists, Gustov Klimt. What surprised me was that he isolated himself socially and from the movements around him. I love that despite what the critics say, he stays true to himself and continue to evolve his ideas. But what I love most is looking through books with images of his sketches and paintings. They're always visual stimulating and I'm always looking for more things hiding in those elaborate patterns he paints. Like I said, I am easily consumed by books, especially art books.

So in my ongoing mission to further educate myself and widen my knowledge of all things I am interested in, I will further submerge myself in a world of information and learn. Hopefully some finished artworks will be a product of my ongoing mission.

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