Friday, November 11, 2011

Día de los Muertos

So the Día de los Muertos celebrations was held at East Los Angeles College last Wednesday, November 2nd. And since the Chicano Studies students were creating altars in one of the galleries in the Vincent Price Art Museum (VPAM) for the event, we (a few members of the staff, Daniella, Lidia, Oliver and myself) joined in on the fun and created one to honor Vincent Price and the late Thomas Silliman, who was an art professor and the director of the VPAM. Thanks to these two gentlemen, whose vision was to create an educational facility with the accessibility to art for the students and the community, and we now have an amazing space right in our neighborhood. Also thanks to the staff and the people who continues to support and promoting the VPAM, we, especially as students, greatly appreciate it!

For more information on the VPAM, follow this link for hours and directions. Hope to see you there!

Day of the Dead celebrated at East L.A. College is a little article Lidia found online in the Eastsider L.A. about the event and the altars in the museum. It's great when our own little niche gets recognized for doing fun things like this. The drawing I contributed for the altar is shown in the article. Thanks Lidia for telling me about it!

One more thing, I want to thank all the veterans and those in the military for keeping us safe. And for all the men and women who are still deployed, I hope you stay safe and return home soon. Happy Veterans Day!