Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Everyday Challenge

From the last post, I mentioned a challenge that I pretty much did not attempt even though I was the one who prompt it. Definitely a lack of dedication on my part. So I'm going to try to motivate myself in creating a better environment to post a few things up every once in a while.

In the event of 2010 rolling right by on the timeline and 2011 taking up a few slots in turn, this is as good of a time as any other to put up a new post. Of course being that this blog is mainly for art and photography and not random rants by yours truly, this will be visually stimulating.

While spending the turn of the new year on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, I realized that although it may be nice to have a place to settle down and go home to, I don't really see myself doing that very thing so many people work so hard to achieve. I have been looking and searching for something, as of yet, it is still unclear.

I do feel like one of the luckiest people in the world due to the fact that there are friends who are willing to find me a warm place to sleep wherever I happen to be. Thanks guys.

And finally, the photos I promised.

2010, the year started out kind of cold. Taken on the way to snowboard at Big Bear Mountain. The roads up to the resorts officially closed while we were waiting for an accident to clear up and we had to turn around and go home. The view was breathtaking.

all smiles
bike ride along the beach in March. My little cousin, Patrina, enjoying her day.

good day at the beach
Beach goers. Calm waters.... where are the waves??

first instagram
My introduction to Instagram back in November.

Most of the following photos are taken during my trip to Taipei with my family. It has been a while since we all went back together and since it was a short trip, we did the best we could exploring whatever was available.

The Flora Expo that opened in November was still there, so we made a day exploring the huge displays of, well, everything. haha

Flowers that were in the grounds of the Taipei Flora Expo.

Close-ups of roses from one of the indoor exhibition.

A small exhibition showing the flexibility and strength of bamboo.

Other vegetation and one of the buildings in the Taipei Flora Expo. The building is insulated with recycled bottles and it lights up when the sun goes down!

Chiang Kai-shek Memoiral Hall

Tadpoles swimming in one of the ponds in Yang Ming Shan. Used to play with these during visits to the temple when I was younger.

While taking our break and snacking in the Chi Xing Garden, a few puppies came by hoping to get a bite too. This one sat right in front of us while the other two kept their distance.

up or down?
Hiking our way down of Chi Xing shang

It's like tiny stuffed waffles, so good, and so many flavors. Favorite of the family is the vanilla cream, but I like to try different ones: pumpkin, sesame, and taro. The one pictured on the bottom is shredded turnip, it was a winner in my book.

Didn't get a chance to try these again.... was just too full to even think about it.

He's making intestine stew noodles. Smelled so good. Got some for the Mom as we headed back to the dorms. Walked away for a minute and when I came back, the bowl was empty... haha

Ended my part the trip with some dumplings. Actually, it was steamed breads, or buns (manto in Mandarin) but there were no photos... I will admit, I did not document the foods as well as I wanted to. I guess it's a good reason to go back and visit again soon!

the brodie
This is Brodie. One of the best dogs out there. Best cure to anything and a great cuddle buddy. Knows how to turn frowns upside down.

A preview of what's to come. This is a photo collage taken on the top level of Ankor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

And a big Happy Birthday to the person who I look up to and who is constantly encouraging me to be create more and be a better person. Someone who I think is changing the world. Wish I was there chilling with you enjoying a nice cold beer and watching snowflakes drift. This is for you =)